Faculty Members

Manish K. Niranjan
Professor & Head
Office: PH308, Department of Physics
Phone: Phone number not assigned.
Email: manish@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Theoretical & computational condensed matter and solid state physics; Semiconductor and oxide heterostructures; Physics of surfaces and interfaces at atomic scale; Solar cell materials and devices; First principles design of materials, heterojunctions and nanoscale devices; Quantum transport in nanoscale devices and low dimensional systems.

Alok Kumar Pan
Associate Professor
Office: PH404,Department of Physics
Phone: Phone number not assigned.
Email: akp@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Quantum information theory, Quantum communication, Quantum foundations, Quantum cryptography and Quantum Metrology.

Anjan Kumar Giri
Office: PH306, Department of physics
Phone: 040 2301 6701
Email: giria@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Understanding the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and to decipher the signals of new physics (BSM) using flavour physics and neutrino physics.

Anupam Gupta
Assistant Professor
Office: PH210, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6719
Email: agupta@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Soft-matter, Biophysics, Complex Systems, Fluid Turbulence.

Anurag Tripathi
Associate Professor
Office: PH407, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6713
Email: tripathi@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Theoretical Particle Physics. Perturbative QCD. Feynman Loop Integral Calculations. Soft and Collinear QCD Resummation. Higgs Phenomenology.
Arabinda Haldar
Associate Professor
Office: PH406,Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6717
Email: arabinda@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Magnon spintronics, Nanomagnetic devices, Imaging spin waves at the nanoscale using Brillouin light scattering spectro-microscopy, Ferromagnetic resonance, Thin film nanofabrication (Lithography), Functional magnetic materials.

Archak Purkayastha
Assistant Professor
Office: PH314,Department of Physics
Phone: Will be updated soon...
Email: archak.p@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Non-equilibrium quantum statistical physics, specifically in the theory of driven dissipative quantum many-body systems, having strong overlaps with quantum condensed matter, chemistry, information and thermodynamics.

Atanu Rajak
Assistant Professor
Office: PH312,Department of Physics
Phone: Will be updated soon...
Email: atanu@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Non-equilibrium many-body physics: quenching and Floquet theory, Quantum phase transitions, quantum information and topological phases
Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna
Associate Professor
Office: PH204, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6712
Email: bhuvan@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Intense Laser Plasma Interaction, Table top accelerators, Nuclear Fusion with Lasers , proton beam therapy.

Dr. Divya Sachdeva
Assistant Professor
Office: PH211, Department of Physics
Phone: Will be updated soon..
Email: divyasachdeva@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Astroparticle Physics, BSM phenomenology, Early Universe Cosmology
Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty
Office: PH205, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6709
Email: jmohanty@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Nanomagnetism, Data Storage,Scanning Probe and X-ray based magnetic imaging,Ferromagnetic semiconductor, Spintronics, Resonant Magnetic scattering, Ultra-fast magnetism and Micromagnetic Simulations.

Kanchana. V
Office: PH203 , Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6702
Email: kanchana@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Computational Condensed matter physics, Topological materials, Magnetism and superconductivity, Energy Harvesting materials, Spintronic application
Kirit Makwana
Assistant Professor
Office: PH212, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6721
Email: kdmakwana@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Basic plasma physics, space plasmas, plasma astrophysics, magnetic reconnection, plasma turbulence, and numerical simulations.

Mahesh Peddigari
Assistant Professor
Office: PH410, Department of Physics
Phone: Phone number is not assigned.
Email: mahesh.p@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Relaxor ferroelectrics, Magnetoelectrics, Vibration and magnetic field energy harvesting, and Multifunctional ceramic thin/thick films.

Manisha Thakurathi
Assistant Professor
Office: PH313, Department of Physics
Phone: Phone number is not assigned.
Email: mthakurathi@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: superconductivity, topological phases of matter and quantum phase transition.
Mayukh Pahari
Assistant Professor
Office: PH209, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6722
Email: mayukh@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Black Hole Astrophysics, UV/optical/X-ray Astronomy, Active Galactic Nuclei, Relativistic Simulations.
Narendra Sahu
Office: PH303,Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6706
Email: nsahu@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Beyond SM physics, Model building (Neutrino Physics and dark matter), Leptogenesis , Direct, Indirect and Collider Search of Dark Matter.

Nithyanandan Kanagaraj
Assistant Professor
Office: PH414, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6723
Email: nithyan@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Theoretical and experimental aspects of Ultrafast Optics and Fiber lasers, Machine learning in (Smart) Photonic systems, Photonic computing, Nonlinear Dynamics & Integrable Systems, Fiber Optics Communication and Signal Processing.
Prem Pal
Office: PH307, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6704
Email: prem@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: MEMS & MicroNano System /Microelectronics technology, MEMS & MicroNano System based bio/chemical and mechanical sensors, Polymer MEMS & MicroNano System , RFMEMS & MicroNano System , Thin films for MEMS & MicroNano System , In-situ observation of semiconductor processes.
Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay
Associate Professor
Office: PH405, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6716
Email: bpriyo@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Physics at the LHC, Higgs physics, Supersymmetry.

Raghavendra Srikanth Hundi
Associate Professor
Office: PH214, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6710
Email: rshundi@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Particle physics phenomenology, Beyond standard model, Neutrino masses.
Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi
Office: PH304, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6711
Email: sskraavi@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics, Organic Photonics (OLEDs, Detectors) and Organics Photovoltaics (BHJ, Perovskite, DSSC).

Saket Asthana
Office: PH305, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6703
Email: asthanas@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Multifunctional oxides, Colossal Magnetoresistive, Spintronic, Multiferroic and Magnetocaloric Materials; Spin crossover Materials, Molecular bistability and Photomagnetism.

Saranya Ghosh
Assistant Professor
Office: PH310, Department of Physics
Email: saranya.ghosh@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Experimental high energy physics, particularly on topics such as Higgs physics, the search for new particles associated with physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics and particle detector R&D. Actively working on the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC.
Saurabh Sandilya
Assistant Professor
Office: PH309, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6720
Email: saurabh@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Search for new physics in the rare decays of B-mesons, Development of High Energy Physics Detectors, Member of Belle and Belle II Collaborations.
Shantanu Desai
Office: PH207, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6715
Email: shantanud@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Cosmology, Galaxy Clusters, Pulsar Timing, Gamma-Ray Bursts, Astrostatistics, Data Mining.

Shinde Satish Laxman
Assistant Professor
Office: PH409, Department of Physics
Phone: Phone number is not assigned.
Email: shindesl@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Nanophotonics, Energy materials, Photothermal energy harvesting and Photocatalysis.
Shubho R. Roy
Associate Professor
Office: PH408, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6714
Email: sroy@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Holographic reconstruction of gravity from gauge theory (Gauge-Gravity duality or AdS/CFT), Quantum Aspects of Black holes using D-branes (Matrix theory), 2+1 dimensional gravity, higher spin gravity, Dynamics of non-abelian charged fluids (QGP).

Srabani kar
Assistant Professor
Office: PH213, Department of Physics
Phone: To be Updated soon
Email: srabani@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy of low-dimensional materials, contactless conductivity measurements, optoelectronics of layered materials, applications of ultrafast hot carriers for biomedical research, random lasers, micro-lasing patterns.
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka
Office: PH206, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6708
Email: surya@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Magnetic materials, Device physics, Spintronics, Micromagnetic simulations, Data storage, Non volatile memories & Neuromorphic computing.
Vandana Sharma
Office: PH403, Department of Physics
Phone: 040 2301 6707
Email: vsharma@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics using a combination of Ultrashort laser pulses and Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy.

Yogesh Kumar Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Office: PH311, Department of Physics
Phone: To be updated soon...
Email: yogesh.srivastava@phy.iith.ac.in
Area of Research: Terahertz spectroscopy, active/passive metamaterials, ultrafast quantum photonic devices and superconductors.
Adjunct Professors

Adekunle Olusola Adeyeye
Adjunct Professor
Area of Research: Nanotechnology & Spintronics, Magnonics and Spin Wave Devices, Magnetic Biosensors, Advanced Nanofabrication Techniques, Functional Nanomaterials for Spintronic Applications

Eric Laenen
Adjunct Professor
Area of Research: Theoretical particle physics at colliders, perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, the phenomenology of the Standard Model, Higgs physics and beyond the Standard Model searches.

Eung Jin Chun
Adjunct Professor
Area of Research: Eung Jin Chun's research focuses on theories beyond the Standard Model. He has been working on superstring and supersymmetry phenomenology, and more recently on neutrino and dark matter properties to search for the fundamental theory in connection with cosmological and astrophysical observations, and collider experiments like LHC.

Karim Trabelsi
Adjunct Professor
Area of Research: Flavor physics, CP violation, rare decays, tau physics

Mariana Frank
Adjunct Professor
Area of Research:

Soumya Mohanty
Adjunct Professor
Area of Research: Gravitational waves, Data Analysis, High Performance Computing