Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

About Us
Exploring the physics behind various nanoscopic, mesoscopic and bulk materials and realization of their usage in practical devices such spin-electronics, optoelectronics, semiconducting devices, nanoelectronics, ultrasonics and bioscience is an important activity of experimental condensed matter physics group at IIT Hyderabad. This experimental group is vibrant and perform research in cutting edge topics which include smart materials, magnetic thin films, skyrmions, non-volatile memory devices, spin dynamics in low dimensional magnetic systems, quantum materials, neuromorphic systems, sensors, solar cells, magnonics, MEMs etc. This group utilizes DC/RF sputtering, arc melting, thermal evaporation, ball milling, Photolithography and chemical routes for the synthesis of materials with different dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D) and devices of various technological interest.
Condensed matter physics group at IIT Hyderabad has established various major state of art characterization tools for their needs such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM), Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), Magneto-Optical Kerr effect (MOKE), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), Semiconductor Characterization System (SCS), Ellipsometer, PE loop tracer, UV-Vis NIR spectrophotometer, Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC/TGA), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) etc. Some of the faculties also perform simulations based on micromagnetics to consolidate their experimental results. Research of this group is being funded by funding agencies such as MHRD, DST, DRDO, CSIR, UGC-DAE-CSR and JICA (through IITH – JICA collaboration). In addition, faculty of this group collaborates with various national and international research laboratories, which is also an added advantage for the students.
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Arabinda Haldar
Associate Professor
Magnon spintronics, Nanomagnetic devices, Imaging spin waves at the nanoscale using Brillouin light scattering spectro-microscopy, Ferromagnetic resonance, Thin film nanofabrication (Lithography), Functional magnetic materials.
Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty
Nanomagnetism, Data Storage, Scanning Probe and X-ray based magnetic imaging, Ferromagnetic semiconductor, Spintronics, Resonant Magnetic scattering, Ultra-fast magnetism and Micromagnetic Simulations.
Mahesh Peddigari
Assistant Professor
Relaxor ferroelectrics, Magnetoelectrics, Vibration and magnetic field energy harvesting, and Multifunctional ceramic thin/thick films.

Prem Pal
MEMS & MicroNano System Lab /Microelectronics technology, MEMS & MicroNano System Lab based bio/chemical and mechanical sensors, Polymer MEMS & MicroNano System Lab , RFMEMS & MicroNano System Lab , Thin films for MEMS & MicroNano System Lab , In-situ observation of semiconductor processes.

Saket Asthana
Multifunctional oxides ,Colossal Magnetoresistive, Spintronic, Multiferroic and Magnetocaloric Materials; Spin crossover Materials, Molecular bistability and Photomagnetism.
Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka
Study of magnetic materials and devices at low temparatures and high magnetic fields, magnetostrictive materials, magnetic nanoparticles/multilayers, mesoscopic physics, solar cells, magnetism in oxides.