About Us
Welcome to the Department of Physics of IIT Hyderabad! Our Department has 29 full time faculty members leading research groups which are making groundbreaking contributions in diverse areas. Our department hosts world class research programs in fields of Astrophysics and Cosmology, Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, High Energy Physics and Optics, Laser and Spectroscopy. Read More...
Our Department is strongly driven by our mission
- to figure out how things work and how the universe is put together at all scales
- to solve technological problems & invent new technologies which benefit the society at large
- to deliver a world-class education based on rigorous technical training to our students and scholars
Our Department is equipped with state of the art laboratories, a 14-inch telescope and organizes highly topical workshops and conferences, and boasts of several international and multidisciplinary collaborations. We also offer several degree programs for aspiring physicists and engineers
- Bachelors (BTech) in Engineering Physics
- Masters (MSc) in Physics
- Masters (MTech) in Physics
- Doctorate (PhD) in Physics
If you are an undergraduate student in science, technology, or engineering, aspiring to be an expert in solving real world problems which affect the local community, the nation and global community, consider joining us
List of candidates shortlisted for Ph.D. admission - July 2024
Shortlisted candidates are requested to check their email inbox and spam folder as well for interview call letter
Rolling PhD positions (external/self-sponsored)
Rolling advertisement for Physics Ph.D program for candidates with CSIR/UGC/Inspire fellowships or Self-Sponsored Externally Funded Candidates
Beginning Astronomy v3:Start a Data-driven Journey
About the Workshop: Modern-day telescopes produce petabytes of data, and this presents students with the opportunity to analyse such publicly available astronomical data sets. This workshop is aimed at providing early bachelor's/late master's students with basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, and computation with a hands-on introduction to astronomy using such datasets. This 3-day workshop will cover some of the basic concepts of stellar, galactic and extragalactic physics through short lectures and hands-on computational sessions with some of the publicly available astronomical datasets.
Inaugration of Telescope
Dr. Mayukh Pahari and team launches 14-inch telescope for astronomical observations
Awards & Recognition
Workshops and Conferences
BAW 2024 - International conference
BAW 2024 is an event to bring together scientists from both experiments and theory associated with particle physics and cosmology to deliberate and explore the deep interconnections between the micro and macro-worlds, connecting the structures from the smallest to the largest in the universe.
PPC 2024 - International conference
PPC 2024 is an event to bring together scientists from both experiments and theory associated with particle physics and cosmology to deliberate and explore the deep interconnections between the micro and macro-worlds, connecting the structures from the smallest to the largest in the universe.
Beginning Astronomy v3:Start a Data-driven Journey
About the Workshop: Modern-day telescopes produce petabytes of data, and this presents students with the opportunity to analyse such publicly available astronomical data sets. This workshop is aimed at providing early bachelor's/late master's students with basic knowledge of physics, mathematics, and computation with a hands-on introduction to astronomy using such datasets. This 3-day workshop will cover some of the basic concepts of stellar, galactic and extragalactic physics through short lectures and hands-on computational sessions with some of the publicly available astronomical datasets.
PHOENIX-2023 - International Conference
(formerly known as Anomalies at IIT Hyderabad)
Spintronic materials and devices have been of great interest as they found fundamental and technological interest.
Quantum Matter Heterostructures- 2023
Quantum Matter Heterostructures open a new perspective in solid state physics wherein the possibilities of engineered material, specifically heterostructure engineering can lead to emergent properties of quantum materials and opens avenue for new applications.
Books/Online courses by our faculty
A Mini-Monograph
The infrared structure of perturbative gauge theories
Authors: Tripathi et al.
General Model Independent Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Authors: SS. Ghosh, Th. Hebbeker, A. Meyer, T. Pook; Publishing information: Springer (2020), ISBN-13 : 978-3030537821
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Theory of Scalar Fields) - Part 2
Instructor: Dr. Anurag Tripathi
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (Theory of Scalar Fields) - Part 1
Instructor: Dr. Anurag Tripathi
Introduction to Classical Mechanics
Instructor: Dr. Anurag Tripathi
Colloquia & Seminars
Applied Physics & Machine Learning webinar series
Series of webinars/seminars conducted on Applied Physics and Machine Learning.
High Energy Physics Remote Video Seminar Series
Series of webinars/seminars pertaining to High Energy Physics
International Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics and Intense Laser.
International Workshop on Laboratory Astrophysics with Intense Laser, Particle Generation And Application.

The astrophysics and Cosmology group is involved in research at all length scales from the Solar System to cosmological distances. The main focus areas include solar corona and wind, black holes, micro-quasars, active galactic nuclei, pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, space plasmas, dark matter and dark energy, galaxy clusters and groups, Cosmic Microwave Background.
VisitOur group works on exploring the new frontiers of condensed matter physics including topological phase of matter, magnetic properties, superconductivity and energy harvesting materials within the framework of Density Functional Theory (DFT).
VisitAt the High Energy Physics group we are concerned with some of the fundamental mysteries about origins of matter, energy and space-time. Key research areas include Quantum Field Theory, Particle Phenomenology, Astroparticle Physics, Physics Beyond Standard Model, String Theory/Quantum Gravity.
VisitThe research involves interaction of light with atoms, molecules, clusters, nanosystems and plasmas. Theory and experiment live in harmony and generate harmonics in the lab for spectroscopic studies.